Tuesday Fellowship October Meeting
The October Tuesday Fellowship meeting at Illingworth Moor Church welcomed Paula Prosser. She spoke to the audience about Mount Zion Heritage Chapel and told us about its history dating back to John Wesley’s visit to Halifax in1748. She then brought us up to date with all the events and activities that the Heritage centre is […]
June Tuesday Fellowship
Denise Adland was the quest speaker at our June Tuesday Fellowship meeting at Illingworth Moor Methodist Church. The subject of her talk was Dame Cicely Saunders, who is regarded as the founder of the modern hospice movement. We were told about her being born in 1918 into a wealthy family and how she came to […]
May Tuesday Fellowship
The May meeting of our Tuesday Fellowship was opened by Georgie Stirrat who presented Mrs Anne Pratt to the group. Anne is a retired teacher and was headmistress at Laycock Primary School in Keighley. She went there in 1991 when the school was celebrating its centenary and told us that it was a Victorian building […]
School Assembly
A group of Church members, led by Rev. Paul Welch and Pauls Prosser regularly take assemblies at two local Primary schools. This morning we were at Whitehill School telling and acting the story of Daniel in the lion’s den. Paula then led short prayer and Paul normally leads the children in a modern song with […]
March Tuesday Fellowship
The speaker at the 6th March meeting of the Illingworth Moor Methodist Church Fellowship was Mr Wyn Markham who gave an illustrated talk on a 15 day holiday Cruising from Cologne to Budapest. The cruise took them on three rivers, the Rhine, Main and Danube making visits to Vienna and Bratislava amongst other places. A vote […]
Tuesday Fellowhip February 2018
At the February Tuesday Fellowship Mrs Winifred Carr presided and welcomed Mrs Janet Nicholson who, along with her husband and two children, had spent their 2017 summer holiday in the company of a group of friends from St John’s, Great Horton, Bradford in Tanzania. They were doing voluntary work with children and their families, improving conditions […]
At Illingworth Moor Methodist Church over 150 shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse were dedicated recently during a Sunday service led by Caroline Holt . They were donated by Illingworth Moor, Holy Nativity Mixenden, Vale Baptist Todmorden and Wesley Playhouse. During the service we watched a video of children receiving their boxes in the past and the […]
Baby Loss Support Service
The loss of a baby during pregnancy, at birth or in infancy is a devastating experience for the parents and for the extended family. For people that lose prior to 24-weeks gestation, there is often no service held or time to commemorate the life that has been lost, while for parents who lose later in […]
New Busoasis
A service was held at our Church to dedicate the new Busoasis which the circuit recently took delivery of. Rev Paul welcomed various dignitaries including The Mayor of Calderdale, Lisa Lambert and her Consort, and the Chairman of the Methodist District, Rev. Roger Walton. We watched a video of the work which had been done […]
If you want to keep up to date with what has been happening at Illingworth Moor Church then just log on to Facebook and search for Illingworth Moor Church. You will be surprised at what has been going on over the past months.